On the trail of mystery

The Freemasons have managed to remain mysterious for hundreds of years, even though we are not a secret society at all. But what is the true nature of mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry? 

Masonic research helps to explain the history of Freemasonry and Masonic protocol. It does more than outline ‘where’ and ‘when’, but also ‘why’ – arguably the most crucial component of Masonic research.

In addition to the essential scientific work of well-known research lodges in English and German-speaking countries, there are an almost infinite number of other sources of information in libraries and on the internet. 

Interested people do not always find reliable information out there or even just don't know where to start. Therefore we would like to list some relevant sources to help you. 


In a nutshell

The sources listed below are by no means exhaustive, but naturally represent only a limited editorial selection. Despite careful checking, we cannot be responsible for external content. 
Lodge Niederhein 892 does not conduct independent research, although we have members who are active in research lodges.  

Masonic       Research Resources

Inventing the Future: 
The 1723 Constitutions

The 1723 Constitutions provided a legal framework for Freemasonry, a rulebook which was emulated by virtually every other secular club and society in Britain and around the world. 

It sets a pattern for Freemasonry throughout the world and an understanding of the context explains the origins of Modern Freemasonry and the relationship between Freemasonry and Society today. 
Quatuor Coronati Lodge No.2076 has launched a dedicated website to mark the Tercentenary of the 1723 Constitutions.

The Freemasons Research Network

In the Freemason Research Network, non-Masons as well as Masons who conduct Masonic research publish. 

People working scientifically find an interface for the exchange of ideas on this portal. 
Here you will find an editorially maintained list of links to archives, collections, research societies, institutes and universities worldwide. 

Philip Militz - "Freemason in 60 Minutes" 

Forget everything you have read so far about Freemasonry! Much has already been written. But because the fascination of Freemasonry cannot really be read, but only experienced, "Freemason in 60 Minutes" is not a dry collection of facts, but an entertaining account of experiences from the perspective of a journalist and committed Freemason - thesis: Freemasonry is the most successful personality training in world history, as the long list of famous lodge brothers testifies! The book enlightens about what inspired the prominent members of the fraternity to rise above themselves and leave a lasting mark on the world. 

Quatuor Coronati Youtube & Podcast

Produced and recorded for QCCC in 1994, John Hamill’s History of Freemasonry was originally published as an expensive set of five CDs. As time has passed and new evidence has come to light, other historical theories have gained traction. It nonetheless remains a delight to listen to John, at the time the Librarian and Curator of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Masonic Publications and Magazines

discover a wealth of articles and features

Freemasonry Today
UGLE Journal

Freemasonry Today is the official journal of United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) - the governing body of Freemasonry in England, Wales and the Channel Islands.

A.F.A.M Magazine 

The magazine is published 6 times a year and can also be subscribed to by non-Masons, also as a gift subscription for seekers or brothers of other Grand Lodges.


Masonic Wikipedia 
Independet encyclopaedia

A virtual encyclopaedia and a constantly expanding magazine that is independent of grand lodges and not bound to any Masonic institution recommended by UGLG.


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